
Pre-Pilot Technology Test in CERTH premises

Pilots are checkpoints to evaluate the creative and technical challenges of the project, aiming at assessing the performance of the technological developments, validating and refining the defined evaluation methodology and assessing the appropriateness of the technology and created scenarios / content to provide truly realistic and interactive social VR experiences. CERTH successfully completed 2 full [...]

World’s First Volumetric Video Conference (point clouds) over a Public 5G Network: a medical emergency example

VRTogether was present at VRDays Europe 2020, showcasing the world’s first live 3D video conference, using point clouds, over a commercial 5G network. VRTogether partners CWI and Sound presented a live demo to demonstrate the potential of the platform for emergency healthcare services. The demo showcased volumetric video conferencing (based on point clouds) between a [...]

HUMAN4D: Human-Centric Multimodal Dataset for Motions and Immersive Media created by VRTOGETHER’s consortium members CERTH, CWI, Artanim

HUMAN4D is a new multimodal human-centric 4D dataset containing a large corpus with more than 50K samples. By capturing 2 female and 2 male professional actors performing various full-body movements and expressions, HUMAN4D provides a diverse set of motions and poses encountered as part of single- and multi-person daily, physical and social activities (jumping, dancing, [...]

Meet VRTogether at VRDays 2020!

VRTogether returns to VRDays, the main European event on immersive content, to showcase how technology can enrich our lives and enhance our human well-being. Travelling to another country, visiting the hospital, providing a safer work environment or enjoying an exhibition are some of the experiences enabled by VRTogether innovative Social VR system, which allows users [...]

Mentoring Students in Social VR (Part II)

For more details, see previous post “Mentoring Students in Social VR” The VRTogether project conducts ground-breaking research on Social VR, which invites multiple users to share a virtual space and interact with each other’s virtual representation. Apart from the main research activities, this project mentors master’s students in this area, forming a new generation of [...]