Category: Events
Join the VRTogether team in Amsterdam for the IBC Show
VRTogether wins Best Demo Award at ACM MMSys2019
VRTogether wins Best Exhibition Award at NEM 2019
VR-Together at CERTH-ITI Open Day 2019
VR Communication and 5G networks
VR-Together at IEEE VR 2019 and ACM CHI 2019 International conferences
VR-Together at Laval VRIC (Virtual Reality International Conference)
VRTogether wins the Best Demo Award at MMM2019
A roadmap for festivals
Virtual reality is not anymore a fantasy or a sci-fi type of entertainment. Since the last years, numerous festivals have been recognizing virtual reality as a independent category in terms of awards and recognition, making it an art by itself. Today we are going to take a look at some festivals that have recognize virtual […]