Hans Stokking
Hans Stokking started his career at KPN Research after graduating in Systems Engineering, Policy Analysis and Management from Delft University of Technology. At KPN Hans has developed architectures for modern telephone networks, with a focus on integration with the Internet. Hans has continued this work at TNO and has adjusted his focus to triple play infrastructure and services, with a focus on interactive IPTV solutions. With the coming of relatively cheap but good VR headsets, Hans made the switch to developing solutions for networked VR including video.
On the technical side, the core expertise for Hans is at the session control layer: how to get services delivered across networks? In this, his expertise ranges from SIP, IMS and WebRTC to media synchronisation and orchestration, with more recent work focussing on VR related streaming technology. Hans’ focus has always been broad, focussing on subjects such as P2P networking, network probing, video coding and streaming, HBB-TV.
Hans is now a Senior Scientist at TNO, being the technical lead in projects mostly for industrial customers. Hans is (co-) author of quite a few popular and scientific papers and is (co-) inventor of over sixty patent applications.
VR-Together Team Members
- All
- Artanim
- i2CAT
- Motion Spell
- The Mo
- Viaccess-Orca