Dimitrios Zarpalas
Dr. Dimitrios Zarpalas is an Electrical and Computer Engineer with a MSc in computer vision and a PhD in medical informatics. Since 2008 he is an Associate Researcher in CERTH/ITI. His main research interests include real time tele-immersion in AR/VR environments through 3D reconstruction from multiple passive/active sensors, dynamic mesh coding, and 3D motion analysis; 3D shape analysis; 3D shape descriptor extraction. He has (co-) authored 9 international journal articles (one of them recognized as an IEEE Distinguished paper), more than 25 international conference proceedings (1 best paper award) and one book chapter. He has been involved in more than 10 research projects funded by EC and Greek Secretariat of Research and Technology.
VR-Together Team Members
- All
- Artanim
- i2CAT
- Motion Spell
- The Mo
- Viaccess-Orca