Frank B. ter Haar
Frank B. ter Haar completed his MSc on Computing Sciences in 2004 at the Utrecht University with a specialization in Medical Imaging with the highest honors cum laude. Being an enthusiast on 3D geometry, he started his PhD at the same university on the subject of reconstruction and analysis of shapes from 3D scans. His research had a strong focus on 3D face capture and the use of morphable face and expression models for face identification. After finishing his PhD in 2009 Frank started working for TNO as an applied research scientist at the Intelligent Imaging department. In the past years, he focused on creating innovative sensor and VR solutions for mobile platforms together with the Dutch government and industry.
In VRTogether, he works on the real-time user capture and rendering in VR with multiple 4D sensors and digital HMD removal for high realism in VR conferencing setups. He also keeps a keen eye on the geometrically sound configuration of the users in VR, to ensure genuine and meaningful interactions.
VR-Together Team Members
- All
- Artanim
- i2CAT
- Motion Spell
- The Mo
- Viaccess-Orca