Bart Kevelham
Bart Kevelham is a Lead R&D Engineer at the Artanim Foundation (Geneva, Switzerland). Receiving his Master’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Twente (Enschede, the Netherlands), he spent several years as a research assistant at MIRALab, University of Geneva, working on Computer Graphics research with a focus on GPU-based garment simulation. During this time, he represented the lab in several EU-funded research projects, and acted as the Editorial Office for the The Visual Computer journal. Joining Artanim in 2012, he worked on the R&D of interactive multimedia solutions as well as the VR technology which became Real Virtuality. After a 2 year stint as Senior Developer at OZWE Games (Lausanne, Switzerland) where he developed the server-side game engine and tooling as well as gameplay content for the Oculus supported MMO VR space shooter Anshar Online, he rejoined Artanim in august 2018 in his current role, focusing on new innovative technology for full-body VR experiences.
VR-Together Team Members
- All
- Artanim
- i2CAT
- Motion Spell
- The Mo
- Viaccess-Orca