Francesco D’Andria
Head of the Media Sector of Atos Research and Innovation
Francesco D’Andria holds a Degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Salerno, Italy. He is currently the Head of the Media Sector at Atos Research and Innovation. He has over 15 years working experience in the scientific areas that includes Media, Social Media, Gaming and Gamification technologies. He worked also on high performance middleware for distributed systems, Cloud Computing, SOA and QoE/SLA management methods and protocols. He has a long experience in large software R&D projects. He is coordinating the H2020 ProsocialLearn project “Gamification of Prosocial Learning for Increased Youth Inclusion and Academic Achievement”. Moreover, he has coordinated the FP7 projects, SeaClouds and Cloud4SOA about the seamless adaptive multi-cloud management of service-based applications. He also collaborated in FP5 and FP6 project GRASP, AKOGRIMO, ELEGI, BEinGRID, SmartLM, and MODACLOUDs.
Social VR, and VRTogether in particular, can have a high potential in a variety of business use cases, and 5G can help in boosting its adoption.