TNO is a Dutch independent contract research organization, one of the major ones in Europe. Based on its expertise and research in technological, policy, business and social innovation, TNO connects people and knowledge in order to create innovations which strengthen the competition position of companies and societal welfare. With a staff of approximately 3000 and an annual turnover of 565 million Euros, TNO is carrying out research in order to achieve impact on five themes addressing the Societal Challenges: Industry; Healthy Living; Defence, Safety & Security; Urbanisation; Energy. TNO functions as an intermediary between basic research organisations and industry. By translating scientific knowledge into practical applications, TNO contributes to the innovation capacity of businesses and government.
TNO is involved in many international projects (about 30% of the market turnover), including EU-funded collaborations (Technology Platforms, Horizon 2020, KIC’s ). In the theme of Industry applied research is carried out for a wide range of industrial branches, including ICT. The focus is on innovation in the areas of high-tech systems and materials, manufacturing, the sustainable chemical industry, space applications and information society, represented by the Program Networked Information. The following Research lines are followed with Networked Information: Technical Robust infrastructure, Quality & reliability, Big Data Evolution, Media & Content Delivery, Creative Industries, Information Enabled Empowerment, Privacy & e-Identity, Embedded Systems.
In the research group of Networks, main activities around media technologies focus on research and development for media production and delivery, in collaboration with Dutch and European telecom operators, broadcasters and service providers. The group is highly active in international standardisation, including MPEG, HbbTV, DVB and IETF. The research group has participated in many successful collaborative projects, including the EU-funded projects FascinatE, WebinOS, HBB-NEXT, STEER and EXPERIMEDIA, and currently leads the ITEA3 project MOS2S, on media orchestration. In 2014, the group participated in three real-world field trials, co-located with the 2014 World Rowing championships in Amsterdam and the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow.
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