Best Exhibition Award at NEM Summit 2017
VR Together partners TNO, i2CAT, CWI and Viaccess-Orca attended the NEM Summit 2017 to showcase first project results. An early-stage demo, created by TNO, allowed visitors to get a first feel for how the project partners will enable shared and social VR experiences. Many visitors took the opportunity to watch content in a virtual living room, where they were joined by a remote guide (Rob Koenen from TNO) for an explanation of social VR and the project aims. Visitors were enthusiastic about the demo and saw great possibilities for enhancing social cohesion and enabling remote conferencing. The NEM exhibition jury was equally impressed and unanimously decided to give the Best Exhibition Award to VR-Together.
The NEM Initiative, the New European Media Technology Platform, was organizing the 10th edition of the NEM Summit in Madrid. The conference addressed many of today’s hot topics related to media and creative industries, such as research and business challenges, societal and user needs including accessibility, implementation requirements for smart content and media convergence, and the regulatory and standardization environment for media.
Text and pictures: Omar Niamut, TNO