Meet VRTogether at VRDays 2020!
VRTogether returns to VRDays, the main European event on immersive content, to showcase how technology can enrich our lives and enhance our human well-being. Travelling to another country, visiting the hospital, providing a safer work environment or enjoying an exhibition are some of the experiences enabled by VRTogether innovative Social VR system, which allows users to share their experience with others in a photorealistic way and with a significant improvement of the feeling of being there together. From 4th to 6th of November, VRTogether will be joining a line-up of XR companies, investors, and industry experts for a series of online conferences, exhibitions and networking events to explore how immersive technologies shape the world of tomorrow.

VRTogether will actively participate in several activities taking place during the 3-day event:
Volumetric Video Conference over 5G: a medical emergency example – Live demo
On Wednesday, 4th November, VRTogether partners CWI and Sound will present a live demo at Amsterdam’s De Kromhouthal to demonstrate the potential of VRTogether for emergency healthcare services. The demo will showcase volumetric video conferencing (based on point clouds) over the standard 5G network of KPN.
📅 4th November
🕒 10:55 – 11:10 h CET
📍 De Kromhouthal / Live streaming

Immersive Funding Market (IFM)
VRTogether has been selected as one of the 6 projects participating in IFM Research. The online event will bridge the gap between academia and industry, taking XR researchers working at the top of their field, and introducing them to a powerful network of entrepreneurs and corporate potential.
📅 4th November
🕒 16:00 – 17:00 h CET
📍 Zoom

Virtual Trade Show
The VRDays’ trade show will be virtual this year. VRTogether will host a booth within the Virtual Trade Show, a buzzing virtual exhibition in the Laval Virtual World.
📅 5-6 November
🕒 10:00 – 18:00 h CET
📍 Virtual Trade Show (Laval Virtual World) Booth C33

The Future of Work conference
Since covid hit there has been an acceleration in the adoption of new technologies to provide a safe environment for remote work. One of the main tech that has been put forward is immersive technology. Patrick De Lange will explain how VRTogether is set to revolutionize the way we work at ‘The Future of Work’ conference.
📅 6th November
🕒 11:00 – 12:00 h CET
📍 VRDays TV

Come and follow us in this VR journey with i2CAT, CWI, TNO, CERTH, Artanim, Viaccess-Orca, TheMo and Motion Spell.

This project has been funded by the European Commission as part of the H2020 program, under the grant agreement 762111.