VRTogether has launched a market research study covering VR trends and technologies
VRTogether’s members are currently analysing the market to provide a wide vision of the current market and the expected evolution of the immersive audiovisual products. The objectives of this study are t:
- Shed light on changing behaviours and associated expectations in audio-visual consumption.
- Assess the market potential of the solutions developed within VRTogether group both regarding enhancing existing formats and creating new types of content.
- Identify technological trends, similar potential solutions as well as new partners.
- Identify the targets (B2C, B2B, …) of the solution and how they could successfully be addressed.
The scope of the study includes the head-mounted displays (HMD), the capture systems, the rendering engines and the VR softwares expected to be used by various industries.
The study provides an estimation of the forecasted revenues, an overview of the current usages, a VR SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and Threats) and the VR applications being used or trialled nowadays in the different industries. With the eruption of virtual reality content, the user experience has been very lonesome. As a consequence, some developers have begun to include a social dimension to their content in various industries: Games, Social Networks, Sports, Music & Arts, Education, Tourism and of course business applications. The VR market remains relatively niche, but a continued moderate growth of the headset adoption is expected over the next few years: hardware prices drop, technology improves and content becomes more appealing.
Furthermore, the VR value chain is presented in the study and the associated technologies are benchmarked to highlight the best suited to the VRTogether project. The analysis will lead to the proposal of a value proposition associated with a best-of-breed ecosystem. The study will also provide the targeted customers (businesses and consumers) and the possible business models.
We will keep you informed of the publication of the document!
Who we are
As a leading global provider of content protection, delivery, and discovery solutions, Viaccess-Orca is shaping the ultimate content experience. VO will contribute to the different WP of the project VRTogether, we will focus on Platform Design and architecture and leads work package 5 on Innovation, Dissemination and exploitation. We will also contribute to the evaluation of the solution compared to market available product.
Come and follow us in this VR journey with i2CAT, CWI, TNO, CERTH, Artanim, Motion Spell, Entropy Studio.
This project has been funded by the European Commission as part of the H2020 program, under the grant agreement 762111.