Author: Artanim
3D Character Creation for Interactive VR
VRTogether goes interactive
I know you! : The importance of accurate self-representation in Virtual Reality
The tradeoffs of virtual reality content formats
Your body feels good
Do you feel in control of the body that you see? This is an important question in virtual reality (VR) as it highly impacts the user’s sensation of presence and embodiment of an avatar representation while immersed in a virtual environment. To better understand this aspect, VR together partners Artanim performed an experiment to assess […]
New venues for capturing facial performance
VR together partners Artanim and Entropy will soon start shooting cinematic content to be used for showcasing the technology developed by the consortium. In this post we bring some of the production effort developed at Artanim, which is currently exploring the use of Apple’s iPhone X face tracking technology in the production pipeline of 3D […]