About VRTogether
VRTogether is a media project funded by the European Commission as part of the H2020 program, under the grant agreement 762111. It will last for 3 years (2017-2020) and operate with a budget of 3.9M€.

We aim at radically improving the experience by innovating in how media formats are used (i.e., how audio, video and graphics are captured, delivered and rendered at users’ homes) demonstrating a significant improvement of the feeling of being there together and the photorealistic quality of the content.
VRTogether’s consortium has been strategically set up to consist of partners that cover all stages of the production chain in a well-balanced way. A combination of leading academic institutions (i2CAT -Project Coordinator & Technical Lead-, CWI, TNO, CERTH and Artanim) and industry actors (Motion Spell, TheMo and Viaccess-Orca) that spread over 5 European countries.